
GBM Awareness Day is July 17. Join us in raising awareness all month long! Learn more.


Share Your Story

Your story is powerful and can help raise awareness and support for others facing similar challenges. By sharing your experience, you bring hope to others and show them that they are not alone.

Story submissions should be fewer than 1,000 words. We encourage you to focus on how having a brain tumor has impacted your life or what you want others to understand about brain tumors. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

Glioblastoma Stories


I’ve lived with anaplastic brain tumor since January 2014. So no surgery to remove it; only chemotherapy and radiation and a pause for sinus wall surgery. After that, my tumor

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Your Story Matters

Story submissions should be fewer than 1,000 words. We encourage you to focus on how having a brain tumor has impacted your life or what you want others to understand about brain tumors. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.